Instruction to the authors


This is the template for papers to be sent for journal “Naftaplin”. You can use this DOC file to type and format your text inside. The text should be justified, margins are 2 cm and font is Times New Roman, 12 pts.

The position of the manuscript title and author’s data are given on the top of this page.



Main title – can have up to 15 words

Abstract – can have up to 150 words. Please do not use citations in the abstract or equations.

Key words – up to 5.

Titles in paper – titles in the paper can be organised up to three levels (1. MAIN TITLE, 1.1. Subtitle and 1.1.1. Subtitle of the lowest level)

Text processor – Microsoft Word (Word2003/2007/2010) has to be the tool for writing the paper. Thus DOC or DOCX are appropriate formats. You can use any other text processor like Open Office tools, Libre Office, iPage on Mac OSX or other, but in this case the text must be exported to DOC or DOCX format.

Figures (pictures) – need to be directly imported to the text as BMP, JPG or TIFF. Recommended resolution is 300 dpi, but please do not forget, that it must be clearly visible for readers. Figures should be centred on pages. Size and style of text is as author(s) wish, but only use uniform font for all figures in the paper.

Colours (figures) – all figures in submitted document can be imported to a colour picture form (any kind from CMYK to 8-bit RGB, but in clear vision).

Tables – please use MSWord (Word2003/2007/2010) to insert the table. Tables have to be centred on the page, and text inside the table as author wish.

Captions – the font in figure’s or table’s captions should be smaller than regular text (Times New Roman, 12 points), centred, italic and below figure or table. The number of figure or table should be bolded. Examples of correctly formatted captions are:

Figure 1: The strike-slip tectonic in analysed hydrocarbon zone

Table 1: The list of e-log intervals analysed in this paper. The mark means absolute depth.

Citation of figures and tables – it is cited like “…it can be seen on Figure 2…” or “…measurements taken into calculation (Table 4) clearly show…” etc.

Spelling – paper must be written in English. For spelling check please use British English (UK) spell checker.

References – please use the following format for the reference’s list:

Paper in scientific journals

ĆORIĆ, S., PAVELIĆ, D., RÖGL, F., MANDIC, O., VRBAC, S., AVANIĆ, R., JERKOVIĆ, L. & VRANJKOVIĆ, A.: Revised Middle Miocene datum for initial marine flooding of North Croatian Basins (Pannonian Basin System, Central Paratethys). Geologia Croatica, 2009, 62, 1, 31-43.


VELIĆ, J.: Geologija ležišta nafte i plina [Geology of Oil and Gas Reservoirs – in Croatian]. –Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering ,University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2007, 342 p.

Chapter in book

MALVIĆ, T. & VELIĆ, J.: Neogene Tectonics in Croatian Part of the Pannonian Basin and Reflectance in Hydrocarbon Accumulations. –In: SCHATTNER, U. (ed.): New Frontiers in Tectonic Research: At the Midst of Plate Convergence, InTech, Rijeka, 2011, 352 p.

Doctoral or master thesis

ŠIMON, J.: Prilog stratigrafiji u taložnom sustavu pješčanih rezervoara Sava-grupe naslaga mlađeg tercijara u Panonskom bazenu sjeverne Hrvatske [Contribution to stratigraphy of sandstone reservoirs depositional system in the Sava Group sediments in Late Tertiary of Pannonian basin in the Northern Croatia – in Croatian]. –Unpub. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 1980, 66 p.

Symposium proceedings

BASSIOUNI, Z. K. & VELIĆ, J.: Prospecting for Bypassed Oil and Gas. –In: VELIĆ, J., HERNITZ, Z. & SAFTIĆ, B (eds.): 1st International Symposium of Petroleum Geology “Economic Aspects of Petroleum Exploration. An Approach to Rational Exploration”, Zagreb, Proceedings, 1996, 197–202.

Citation of references – in the paper (text, figure or table captions) you can cite as “…Geiger (2006)…” or “… (Geiger, 2006; Horvath, 2007)…”. If there are more than 2 authors please use form “Novak Zelenika et al., 2010). If you cited for one statement more than one reference use the style (Krige, 1951; Isaak and Srivastava, 1989).

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