Instructions to the authors
Guidelines for the preparation of proceedings papers
Full papers, prepared according to these Guidelines will be published in the “Oil & Gas“ journal – Proceedings of the 12th International Conference "Oil, Gas, Geothermal, Hydrogen - Sustainable Energy Future", Šibenik, October 7-9, 2024 As Oil & Gas is indexed by HRČAK, the portal of Croatian scientific journals, the papers will be available on HRČAK and on HUNIG website
Title and abstract should be sent by September 15, 2024.
Presentation should be sent by October 1, 2024 to email address:
- Papers must be written in Croatian or English.
- Full papers must be prepared and submitted for publication.
- Preferred paper length: up to ten pages.
- Use Microsoft Word with the page size set to A4 and margins of 2.3 cm.
- Use single spacing throughout the text.
- Text should be written in Times New Roman 12 pt and justified.
- Title in Croatian (Times New Roman 14 pt, bold, centered).
- Title in English (Times New Roman 14 pt, bold italic, centered).
- Main parts of the paper:
– Title in Croatian and English
– Author information (name and surname), institution, city, and country
– Abstract in Croatian
– Key words in Croatian
– Abstract in English
– Key words in English
– Introduction
– Several chapters (three to five) related to the topic
– Conclusion
– References
- Page numbers should be centered in the footer (Times New Roman font 12pt), starting from the page with the paper title. The paper should be divided into paragraphs with the first-line indent of 0.63 mm. Use 6 pt space between the paragraphs.
- Headings – do not use more than three levels of heading (1. Main Heading, 1.1. Primary Subheading and 1.1.1 Secondary Subheading)
- Text editor – Microsoft Word is a prescribed tool and DOC or DOCX are appropriate formats. Other tools such as Open Office, Libre Office, iPage on Mac OSX or other can be used, but in that case the text should be transferred to DOC or DOCX format.
- Graphs (Figures) – must be inserted as BMP, JPG, or TIFF files. Recommended resolution is 300 dpi, but keep in mind that they should be readable. The graphs should be centered. There are no specific requirements for text size and style, but the same font should be used for all graphs in the paper.
- Colours (for graphs) – all graphs in submitted documents can be inserted as colour images (can be supplied as CYMK or RGB 8-bit images, print-ready).
- Tables – please use MS Word options for table creation. Tables should be centered on the page, and alignment of text in cells is not prescribed.
- Captions – font smaller than in regular text (Times New Roman 12 pt), centered, italic and placed below the graph or the table. Examples of properly formatted captions:
- Graph 1: Longitudinal fault in the analysed hydrocarbon zone
- Table 1: List of e-log intervals analysed in this paper.
- Citing graphs and tables – graphs and tables are cited as follows ”… as in Graph 2…” or “…measurements used for the calculation (Table 4.) clearly show …”, etc.
- Use equation editor to create equations. Equation numbers should be enclosed in parentheses and placed at the right-hand side of the paper and equation symbols should be defined, e.g.:

SI units should be used.
- References – please use the following format:
Paper published in scientific journals, books…
ĆORIĆ, S., PAVELIĆ, D., RÖGL, F., MANDIC, O., VRBAC, S., AVANIĆ, R., JERKOVIĆ, L. & VRANJKOVIĆ, A.: Revised Middle Miocene datum for initial marine flooding of North Croatian Basins (Pannonian Basin System, Central Paratethys). Geologia Croatica, 2009, 62, 1, 31-43.
VELIĆ, J.: Geologija ležišta nafte i plina [Geology of Oil and Gas Reservoirs – in Croatian]. –Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2007, 342 p.
- Reference citing in the paper body (text, graph caption) should be as follows: ”… Geiger (2006) …” or “… (Geiger, 2006; Horvath, 2007) …”. If there are three or more authors please use “Novak Zelenika et al., 2010). If there two or more references for a single statement use the following style: (Krige, 1951; Isaak and Srivastava, 1989).